LikeCoin listed on DigiFinex
DigiFinex is one of the top-ranked exchanges by volume and liquidity.
LikeCoin is a public blockchain for content monetization, attribution, and distribution.
Become a sponsor to LikeCoin. Your sponsorship will help support a better web for content creators and publishers.
We are excited to share that LIKE token will be listed and open for deposit on DigiFinex at 11 am (UTC+8) on August 11th, 2020. Trading and withdrawal will be open at 11 am (UTC+8) on August 12nd, 2020. LIKE/USDT is the initial trading pair, with additional pairs expected in the future. The initial partnership with DigiFinex will help expand LikeCoin’s exposure to a broader community and hence improve the token liquidity.
We are offering a LIKE educational airdrop campaign for DigiFinex users to learn about LikeCoin. A total of 150,000 LIKE will be given out.
Event period: 11 Aug 2020 11 am (UTC+8) — 21 Aug 2020 11 am (UTC+8)
DigiFinex Registration reward: 100,000 LIKE Available
The first 100 users that register an account on DigiFinex during the event period can get 1,000 LIKE if you meet one of the requirements below.
The trading volume of LIKE is greater than 100 USDT
Deposit amount is greater than 5,000 LIKE
Community Outreach reward: 50,000 LIKE Available
Users can forward event posters to crypto-related communities and submit the screenshot to the collection form. Users that complete this task can share the 50,000 LIKE community token pool. Your shared amount will double if your trading volume of LIKE reaches 100 USDT.